Moving forward to dynamic dispensing
Pharmacies embracing technology are recognised as innovative and futuristic. The ‘Pharmacy of the Future’ explores the most essential element of customer satisfaction – delivering quality consultation to patients. This can be achieved by automating mundane tasks that prohibit you from spending time with your customers.
Pharmacy workflows that incorporate technology to manage mundane tasks like restocking shelves and reordering, have more time to engage with patients, making them a preferred choice for return customers.
Increasing pharmacy efficiencies
Dynamic dispensing is the combination of forward dispensing with automation and digital technology to increase your workflow efficiencies. Automated inventory management systems allow you to keep your stock at an optimal level, reducing errors during dispensing and creating a less stressful environment for your staff.
The ease of dispensing and managing your scripts enables you to provide a more customer-centric workflow, putting more emphasis on customer interaction.
Communicating with your customers
Digitalisation enhances the customer experience by providing additional information to the patient. Digital screens in pharmacy allow you to communicate directly with your customers, informing and advising the customer even before they enter your store. You can promote your pharmacy services and provide relevant product information even after hours, increasing your foot traffic.
Inside the pharmacy, digital screens can help streamline your consultations, provide pricing information, and pharmacy-own brand options. They can also allow you to conduct a discreet consultation with the patient when required.
Providing quality consultations
Dynamic dispensing assists in providing a more one-on-one patient interaction, which is important for the overall customer experience and customer retention. The combination of automation and digital screens can create an uninterrupted patient interaction, allowing you to engage in a deeper conversation with the patient.
Dynamic dispensing really is the future of pharmacy that allows you to constantly build on your pharmacy’s service offerings. Additional products such as an after-hours pickup or self-checkout can also be supplemented to your dynamic dispensing workflow to provide your customers with unrestrictive service options, and in turn, future-proofing your pharmacy.