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Managing the pharmacy economically

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Best Practice
Process Optimization
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Financial aspects of investing in automation

Various financial aspects need to be considered when investing in an automated order-picking system. In addition to the initial investment, there are usually ongoing service maintenance and energy costs. It is worth comparing these aspects with the expected cost savings from purchasing an automated system to determine when the investment will be worthwhile for the pharmacy.

Don't be afraid of the initial investment

Pharmacy automation is possible for as little as £46,900*. With BD Rowa™ CleverPay, BD Rowa also offers its financing model with fixed conditions.

Costs that pay off

The cost savings offset the investment and follow-up costs through automation. In addition to immense time savings in stock maintenance, an increase in liquidity due to a streamlined warehouse, higher delivery capacity and thus fewer courier services or theft can also be credited.

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Managing the pharmacy economically

„The transition from manual processes to automation has been transformative for our pharmacy“, says Anisa Nosheen, Lead Pharmacist at Everest Pharmacy in Manchester. She adds, „Our robot now efficiently handles what used to be a labour-intensive dispensing job from 9 to 6. This time liberation allows us to expand our services, from travel vaccinations to intricate procedures like blood infusions, full blood counts and private health checks. With Pharmacy First, automation emerges as our strongest ally. Offering additional services under this initiative wouldn’t be possible without the time-saving benefits of automation. It’s not just about freeing up time; it’s about establishing processes for pharmacists and staff to serve our community with unparalleled efficiency.“

It pays off faster than expected

The various financial aspects and financing options mean a dispensing robot is no longer just for larger pharmacies. Our tip: Ask your bank about funding options and subsidies for purchasing an automated order-picking machine and speak to your tax advisor. This will give you a good idea of whether the investment is also possible for your pharmacy.


Best Practice
Process Optimization

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