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Reach out to pharmacy customers in all channels

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Digital Pharmacy
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Why people decide unconsciously to buy a product and how the road can lead to your pharmacy.

Flipping through the newspaper in the morning, checking social media channels and on the way to work passing several bus stops, walls full of posters and multimedia screens. Or simply sitting on the couch in the evening watching television and skipping through a magazine or surfing on a tablet. There is nearly no situation anymore when we do not unconsciously see and subconsciously memorize advertisements.

How does the customer find the way to your pharmacy?

Every person leaving the house or simply sitting on the couch could be a potential customer. But how does he find the way to do so? Part of his decision can be influenced by the pharmacy owners for instance through an advertisement in a local newspaper, an own Facebook channel or outdoor advertisements – analog and digital. But why not simply use other´s advertisements? Many brands offered by pharmacies are just a few clicks away. The human brain subconsciously keeps those messages in mind. Therefore, when a (potential) customer walks passed an appealing shop-window and sees similar or even the same pictures the subconscious memory will be reactivated. Wasn’t there something I wanted to do? And already he is entering the pharmacy – first goal achieved.

An issue of message

Important is that the customer, no matter where, sees the same images and messages. There are different possibilities in order to achieve this goal such as professional help with the decorating of the shop-window or the use of digital screens. They later can be use very flexible and allow the presentation of individual advertisement. These can be about the pharmacy as well as about emergency services, pictures of the staff or seasonal offers.

To cleverly strengthen the shopping experience in the pharmacy

The same principle occurs when the customer stands in the pharmacy. Different possibilities allow to take the customer on a mind travel with the help of emotional pictures or spots of OTC- and cosmetic brands. Standardized pictures and color themes matching seasonal topics or indication ranges, shown on all screens and able to be shared via Social Media, can catch each individual customer´s attention. First pilot phases have shown that pharmacies with digital screens often sell bigger packages. In addition, showing up-to-date advertisements led to an increase in sales in the double-digit range.

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There are no more new buyers

A new approach of marketing comes after the actual buying. Instead of letting the customer leave without any further consequences save the contact details. Store cards can help to maintain a good data base. This information can be used to inform customers about new offers and campaigns via newsletter, to understand buying habits or simply to congratulate on birthdays – who would not feel appreciated?

But what to do about the couch potato?

Customers, nowadays becoming more and more lazy and wanting to be able to order the cream they just remembered to buy, can be served via apps or platforms. They can order the desired item, and have it delivered to them by messenger services or simply go to click & collect solution which will allow them to collect their over-the-counter drugs 24 hours.

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