Pharmacy Robot, Yes or No?
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A guideline for your decision
We’re clearing up the five most common concerns voiced when it comes to purchasing a pharmacy robot. A guideline to help with your decision.
Are you considering modernizing your pharmacy and purchasing a storage and retrieval system? Are you still not sure whether you really want to take the step? Below you can find answers to the five most common concerns that pharmacies have when thinking about purchasing a pharmacy robot.
1. I can’t afford a pharmacy robot.
This is an understandable concern for people starting up a new business and pharmacy owners with many years of experience alike. The purchase of a storage and retrieval system is without a doubt a big investment that deserves due consideration. However, systems are readily available for less than €60,000 depending on the degree of customization and size. From the long-term perspective, the investment is well worth it in terms of the reduction in storage costs and the associated capital, time savings, increase in customer contacts, and effective HR planning among other factors. Another helpful factor: some system suppliers also offer rental schemes.
2. My staff are worried that they will become “superfluous” if we purchase a pharmacy robot.
On the contrary: experience has shown that the time saved through automation of the storeroom can be employed for other, more valuable tasks – generally speaking this is more effective deployment of staff and tasks that the employees enjoy performing. Increasing the worth of the workplace and the state-of-the-art environment will even make it easier for you to find staff in the future. And, once the system is there, nobody will want to do without it again any time soon.
3. There is no room for a robot in my pharmacy.
Storage systems are available in a wide range of sizes and it’s fair to say that “there’s no such thing as no room”. In addition, there is also the option of installing a system in an upper story or basement and transporting the goods to the sales counter with conveyor technology. The purchase of an storage and retrieval system often also goes in hand with a redesign. At that point, it might not have occurred to you how a room could look if you changed the position of the sales counters, for example. Our sales & distribution team and our in-house project planning colleagues, experienced planners, have already mastered many a complex project and work happily here hand in hand with other trades- and craftsmen.
4. I won’t be able to access my medicines if there is a power cut.
Most standard machines have an extra battery included, which keeps your machine running in the case of a sudden power failure – unlike automatic doors and computers. In case of an extended power outage, the system can also be opened and the medicines removed by hand.
5. I’m planning on selling my pharmacy in a few years, so it’s not worth investing any more.
The installation of a system can increase the attraction and, accordingly, the sale value of your pharmacy. The new generation of young pharmacists in particular set great store by state-of-the-art and future-oriented furnishings. However, if you are still concerned, it is also possible to rent all of our systems and either purchase them for the remaining value at the end of the term or simply return them to us.
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